Delta Memorial Hospital is committed to assisting our patients with understanding and estimating their out-of-pocket expenses for medical services provided at our facility. The information listed at the link below is being provided in compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement (FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule; CMS-1694-F). Due to state regulations, the price of these charges may fluctuate throughout the year. Please keep in mind that actual charges for services may differ from estimations due to these fluctuations as well as level of care, supplies, and medications provided.
For any questions, please contact us at (870) 382-4303.
Click here to download the latest Delta Memorial Hospital chargemaster (machine-readable format).
To generate an estimate of what you will be charged for your care, click here.

For a printable version of the above document, please click HERE.
For any questions, please contact us at (870) 382-4303.
Click here to download the latest Delta Memorial Hospital chargemaster (machine-readable format).
To generate an estimate of what you will be charged for your care, click here.

For a printable version of the above document, please click HERE.
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Poetry carries its history within it, and it is oral in origin. Its transmission was oral. Its transmission today is still in part oral, because we become acquainted with poetry through nursery rhymes, which we hear before we can read.